Summit and summit 1/10/2021
If trees cannot grow, bear fruit, and flourish without
roots or roots, then relations between peoples cannot
be stable or last, except on common rules and solid foundations
to be built upon, otherwise the winds will disperse them
to a distant place, and storms blow them into sundries Distant
torn, scattered.
0 Comments, 0 Views,
0 Votes
safety 9/18/2008
As a police officer i see a lot of getting into
bad situations by themselves without any one knowing about
it. The first thing you need to do is find out what the agenda
is for the evening. Let someone know where youll be and when
you expect to be home. Also dont allow your date to divert
you from these plans. That is how girls get taken advantage
of or worse. Always stick to the itenerary. ...
2 Comments, 21 Views,
5 Votes
,5.10 Score |
very important 2/28/2008
take note of the exits in case you wanna make a quick getaway
you know in the the girl is not as good looking as she appeared
in her photo (joking). but always use a condom!!
0 Comments, 11 Views,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
dating safe 1/7/2007
well i have heard a lot of people go and meet people off the
internet i think its cool but there is certain safety percussions
that you have to take pls be safe and if you agree with this
pls vote ...
0 Comments, 12 Views,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Safety in numbers..... 8/5/2006
.... if possible, it seems a good idea to bring a date to a
party where there are many people --- both men and women
--- it seems to build a bond between you when you meet others.
Be sure the party is a mixed party.
0 Comments, 17 Views,
6 Votes
,3.93 Score |
Be careful.... 8/5/2006
.... some folks are just out for your money. Some confuse
money and love. Some are just out for love but need money.
The bottomline is that .... money is the problem in most
relationships (dating, marriage, parenting, or freindhships).
Be careful and trust your instincts, not your lusting nature.
0 Comments, 11 Views,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
The Nigerian Scam 7/23/2006
I'm not the "writer" type of person, but
in this case, I feel that I need to write something to both
vent my anger and to also protect someone else from falling
into this trap. Have you noticed the increased activity
coming from Nigeria?
I have received contact from women claiming to be from the
USA and saying so in their profile. They seem like really
nice people and very sweet ...
3 Comments, 121 Views,
16 Votes
,4.30 Score |
Safety First 7/21/2006
Safety First!
Arrange meetings in public places, eg restaurants, pubs,
etc - not in your home.
Don't give your address until you are sure that you
want to continue the relationship.
Trust your instincts and don't meet again if you have
any doubts.
On your first meetings, it is best to make your own way to
and from the venue. It is also better not to ...
1 Comments, 30 Views,
7 Votes
,5.08 Score |
Meeting Up for the First time 7/3/2006
Its now come to that time, you have been e-mailing, chatting
online and exchanging photos and video clips for some time
now. You are both getting eager to meet up in person and anticipate
interacting on a one to one.
Even though you think you know the person, you don't
really know them as an individual and it is wise to take a
few basic precautions on the first ice breaker meeting ...
0 Comments, 35 Views,
7 Votes
,4.82 Score |
Dating Safety = ) 2/24/2006
1. Wear a hard hat and work boots to the 1st date.
2. Sniff all food and drinks suspiciously then ask your
date to try it first, while watching with intent as they
3. Slip in suttle hints that your dad works for the CIA and
you have a tracking device surgically placed somewhere
on your body.
4. Jump back and assume a fighting stance and any ...
3 Comments, 109 Views,
13 Votes
,3.14 Score |
The Search... 2/11/2006
At some point in our lives, all of us have experienced a time
where we have searched for love. For those in denial, it
may have been manifested in different forms other than
the obvious. For some it is best recognized as the search
for significance, sense of belonging, or simply for what
cannot be found.
My purpose in writing this article is to build on the latter...what
cannot be ...
2 Comments, 79 Views,
6 Votes
,4.79 Score |
Dating/general safety 2/7/2006
Dating/general safety
Add to this General Safety list these common sense dating
safety rules:
Don't be afraid to say NO! If you're not comfortable
with the way things are headed, run like hell.
When you are comfortable enough to meet for the first time.
Meet in a busy (read, where there's a LOT of people)
public place.
Get a picture ...
0 Comments, 52 Views,
5 Votes
,1.84 Score |
Never change 11/22/2005
Well ladys and gentlemens, my realtionships were going
good until I meet the nigthmare of my life. my ex-boyfriend.
he tought me that life is more than tear and sadness, the
showed my the world as it is. so now I'm taking this opportunity
to tell you all guys that love is a pretty hard emotion which
you make decitions over; meaning you are the only with the
right to decise who you love and ...
2 Comments, 183 Views,
14 Votes
,3.46 Score |
Woman Please Read It Will Save A Lot Of Heartache! 9/24/2005
I would like to talk about one very important safety, that
must be remembered. When dating someone for the first time,
you must be very careful. Many woman are genuine and want
something more, than just a date. Men on the other hand are
not usually looking for a relationship. There are some
that are but it's not the norm. The biggest mistake
of all time, is giving yourself away to soon, yes ...
2 Comments, 157 Views,
12 Votes
,5.45 Score |
How d you make first move in email stage of dating 4/26/2005
I know it is scary on the dating scene in these modern times.
One must be careful. What is it that scares so many away so
quickly? I will get an email or a wink. If I respond too quickly,
they never write back. Too slowly and they have moved on.
What type of things does one talk about in the early Email
stages. What is a person looking for so they will reply,
and what scares them away?
1 Comments, 152 Views,
11 Votes
,2.23 Score |
It could seem like stalking... 11/16/2004
Romance ain't what it used to be...
"It could seem like stalking", she said. I was
relieved her tone was not deadly serious. Still, the fact
that a gift and a card could even suggest such a horror says
something about what has been lost since as a lovesick ,
I left a red rose on an unsuspecting pillow.
It was a small bottle of Chardonnay and a stick of incense, ...
1 Comments, 125 Views,
16 Votes
,2.98 Score |
Como enfrentar tu nueva relacion 12/7/2001
La vida continua a pesar de los malos ratos que a diario tenemos,
pueden ser con personas en la calle, en casa con mama, papa
o simplemente con nuestra pareja. Una vez que la situacion
se agudiza deseamos terminar de una vez y por todas aquello
que nos martiriza, es entonces que la cabeza nos quiere
explotar y algunos apresurados decidimos en instantes,
otros, un poco mas ecuanimes logramos ...
0 Comments, 42 Views,
37 Votes
,8.23 Score |
Triangulo Amoroso 11/28/2000
Siempre que una persona quiere conseguir una cita lo importante
es nunca olvidar que las persona con las que sale siempre
tiene que estar en citas separadas sino nunca podra disfrutar
la bentaja de conocer muchas personas que te llevara a un
amor verdaddero. <br>
0 Comments, 20 Views,
36 Votes
,0.74 Score |