the truth hurts 6/28/2015
saying no thanks to me would be a kindness than leaving me
hanging . whats so hard about saying you are not my type im
sorry . we are here to find our soul mate and if we do not have
honesty in the begining what do we have ?.. this is only my
opinion my heart is not made of glass it will not break ..
there is only so much time i have on this earth and i would
love to spend it with the woman of ...
0 Comments, 2 Views,
0 Votes
When Do Guys Realize It's Over? 2/8/2010
Do guys really know?
Here's am example in a message written to swoon the
lady: "From the moment that i seen you i opened the
email and saw your match with your picture in a perfect smile
on your face, beautiful nose (as to my expectation really),
eyes, and the perfect mouth in a very interesting looking
I was surprised by the strength with broad–yet superior ...
0 Comments, 4 Views,
0 Votes
ok here is my view 2/28/2008
saying no thanks is the opposite of saying yes please .....so
when you say no thanks do you sometimes mean yes please but
you gotta try harder? maybe not i dont know what i'm
talking about i'm sure!
0 Comments, 8 Views,
0 Votes
Amicably breakup..contradiction in termino? 4/29/2007
Do amicably break-ups exist?
Some time ago I went through the worst break-up (and yes
angelitas, you may comfort me if you wish ) and got 'confronted'
with good advice from firends and colleagues about amicable
Is there such thing? What does it say about the couple breaking
up? Do they still love each other maybe?
Reversely, they say love can turn to hate ...
2 Comments, 24 Views,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
Why? 3/21/2007
Is normal if a man likes a woman to show it to her. Also is normal
if she is not interested to say "NO, thanks".
But very often the men accept these words as "Please,
try again" and continue more urgent. And finaly when
the woman says emphatically NO, the men get angry.
Why, dear men? "No, thanks" mean exactly NO.
And no need to look for another meaning.
1 Comments, 29 Views,
9 Votes
,4.49 Score |
Delete the message and move on... 8/5/2006
Rather than hurt someone's feelings by telling them
why you do not want them, just delete their message and move
on with your life. Have some respect for the feelings of
someone who was interested in you. I would rather not know
than be told why.
4 Comments, 53 Views,
16 Votes
,0.34 Score |
Don't Waste Each Others Time, Be Polite and Honest! 7/3/2006
I think it is much better to be diplomatic, tactful, fully
open and honest with people regarding attraction and whether
or not you wish to even continue to communicate.
It is better to tell either a lady or man that they seem like
a great person, but they are just not exactly what you are
looking for personally.
It is also good manners to wish them every success and all
the ...
2 Comments, 67 Views,
16 Votes
,5.48 Score |
girls need to be straight up 5/8/2006
girls when they don't have the connection to the guy
they need to tell them straight up they are not interested.
I hated when girls keep on flirting with you and make you
think you have a chance
3 Comments, 56 Views,
9 Votes
,4.92 Score |
Whats with not being direct 3/16/2006
I've noticed some women, dont like to say whats on their
mind. Instead they become angry when men can't figure
out what their thinking. What is that about? Anybody?
9 Comments, 115 Views,
13 Votes
,5.16 Score |
Sarcasm, sometimes not the same as wit! 3/16/2006
Retract the challenge
Then lie in wait!
Accumulating points
planned just like fate
Mental reserves
kept in iron tanks
Denver chalked up points
while saying no thanks!
0 Comments, 29 Views,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
No Thanks, Papa Chubby! 3/15/2006
I am saying No Thanks to this race.
I bow to you. I have too much college homework that I have
to turn in by Friday.
0 Comments, 30 Views,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
sometimes no means more than no 3/10/2006
Once of the sweetest girls I've ever met, when asked
by a co-worker is she wanted a soft-drink responded NO!
Later i asked her why she didnt say No thank you. She told
me, she didnt want him getting any strange ideas.
0 Comments, 81 Views,
12 Votes
,3.51 Score |
The Real Question Is Why "No Thanks" 9/27/2005
Rejection is the hardest thing for us to deal with. Whats
even harder is being rejected and not knowing why. We have
all been rejected in some way or form. Can you remember that
time or times, and asking yourself why? How come we just
can't except it. It's usually because we know,
that we mean well and am confident in who we are. Being told
"No Thanks" is mind breaking, because we start ...
2 Comments, 255 Views,
21 Votes
,5.35 Score |
Telling it like it is... 3/12/2005
A number of times, people (mainly women) are even given
dating advice by their friends/elders that if they want
someone, play hard to get, and act uninterested. We are
also taught that people do play games like this, so often,
others persist in trying to get a "yes." But
how many "No"s do they have to hear to figure
out that no matter what they do, the answer is no?
1 Comments, 256 Views,
14 Votes
,3.14 Score |
RESPECT 9/4/2004
Lot's or girls and guys, or men and women, view each
others profiles on the site. And of course there comes a
time when contacts are made between them. Unfortunately,
everyone cannot be satisfied. Finding, and then connecting
with the person of their desire. Desire is a very powerful
emotion, and it sometimes gets the best of us. I have a few
words of advice to you all. "Desire itself, ...
1 Comments, 122 Views,
20 Votes
,6.06 Score |
Why is it that when I say no to someone they don't listen.. 4/11/2004
There's someone I was dating at one time and it didn't
seem like we had the chemistry to make it a long term relationship.
I had tried to end it and it took at least 7 times to get through.
I know we had physical attraction, but it takes more then
just that. Yeah we made the mistake of trying to stay just
friends, but it was too soon, because it ended up in disaster.We
kept bouncing back ...
0 Comments, 264 Views,
49 Votes
,6.57 Score |
ENGAÑOS 1/27/2001
Estuve enamorado de una chica a quien llamaremos Adela,
fué un impacto de primer momento y de gustarnos mutuamente,
por las actividades de trabajo tratamos siempre de mantener
nuestra relación oculta de la vista de los demás, me sentí
adolecente nuevamente y sonriente en la vida me esforcé
por darle los gustos que tienen sabor a lujo en una relación
de pareja, le agradaban y me ...
0 Comments, 29 Views,
38 Votes
,2.99 Score |
AUN NO MAS TARDE 10/22/2000
0 Comments, 19 Views,
12 Votes
,0.68 Score |
para un amor gitano 10/18/2000
My Lost Gipsy
Amor gitano, tu que no lograste despedirte y dejaste muchosrecado sin respuestas, tu que recojiste la botella en el
mar de los solitarios para burlarte lo unico que lograste
es engañarte a ti mismo/a. Pediste una comunicacion y al tenerla huyste sin dejar
rastro de tus sueños por el miedo a ser descubierto/a y no
te diste cuenta que descubriste tus miserias. Hay que saber ...
0 Comments, 34 Views,
11 Votes
,3.35 Score |